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Exercise Recommendations for Older Adults

senior-group-fitnessExercise is an essential aspect in healthy living.  Studies have found that regular exercise is associated with delayed all-cause mortality and a reduced chance of disability from disease. 

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) have long been the standard for exercise recommendations.  In their most recent Position Stand update, they have included four types of exercise that would be defined as a “well-rounded exercise program”.  These exercise include: cardiorespiratory (aerobic), resistance (weight training), flexibility(stretching), neuromotor (motor skill).

Duration of exercise: For older adults, 150 minutes/week is recommended and can be achieved through 10 minute bouts of moderate-intensity exercise.  ACSM also states that accumulating 7,000 steps, monitored by wearing a pedometer, could be an addiontal means of achieving the recommednded volume of exercise.  Less than 10 minutes of exercise at one time does not prove beneficial to the heart and lungs in healthy adults, but may have some benefit for poorly conditioned individuals.

Senior Fitness of Florida Guidelines: