News & Resources

Functional Mobility

DSC_3978Researchers have created a screening tool designed to identify functional mobility changes in the early stages among adults 50-70 years of age.  In time, this tool will also provide guidance for activity interventions to address an individual’s needs. 

Daily activities such as:  getting in and out of a car, up and down from a chair, in and out of bed, carrying groceries can be a very difficulty task for the older adult.  A functional mobility self-rating questionnaire has been designed to determine the degree of functional mobility loss.  From there, a series of physical testing is conducted to further determine the appropriate plan of care for the individual.  With the right exercise program, the individual will reach there goals in a safe and effective time frame, increasing their functional mobility and overall quality of life.

Senior Fitness of Florida offers fitness evaluations to determine your functional mobility.  We will provide you with the resources needed to reach your physical goals.

For more information, please visit our contact page.